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We have developed a refreshed Precinct Plan to support the urban renewal of the Mac Point site.




Our vision

We aspire to build the Mac Point Precinct into a place to gather, celebrate and reflect, through the arts, culture, sport, events and entertainment.


We will create a mixed-use precinct that is accessible to all people, offers vibrant experiences and destinations, and contributes to the delivery of the 30-Year Greater Hobart Plan.

Our role

The Macquarie Point Development Corporation is a Statutory Authority responsible for the remediation, redevelopment and transition of Mac Point into a vibrant mixed-use precinct.


As part of the development of this plan, we were asked to consider how the site can support: a multipurpose stadium, an Aboriginal Culturally informed Zone, an Antarctic facilities zone, and a residential development that includes affordable housing for key workers in the health sector. More detail on this request is available in the Ministerial Direction available at

Your feedback

The Mac Point Precinct Plan has been informed by:

  • more than 2200 written submissions

  • meetings with more than 100 local organisations, businesses and individuals

  • collaboration with and input from TasPorts, the Department of State Growth (including Infrastructure Tasmania (ITas)), Stadiums Tasmania, Brand Tasmania, Homes Tasmania and the Department of Health.


A summary of the key themes from our consultation and copies of written submissions received are available below.


What we found

  • Mac Point can deliver a mixed-use precinct with discrete but connected Zones.

  • there is space and capacity to not only deliver the projects planned for the site, but for these to thrive as part of a well-designed and integrated precinct.

  • the site must be a place that is accessible for all Tasmanians, and an iconic destination for visitors.

  • the development should acknowledge and share the site’s Tasmanian Aboriginal cultural and European industrial history.

  • design guidelines will be important to develop Mac Point in keeping with the character of the site and surrounding areas.

  • the community is passionate about the site. The majority of responses expressed excitement for the plans and, in particular, the opportunities a multipurpose stadium may offer the city, region and State. However, others expressed concern and strong opposition. It will be important to continue to listen to the views in the community and to explore opportunities to deliver the Zones set out in this plan in a way that is sympathetic to issues raised.



Initial Consultation 


A summary of our initial consultation to inform the Draft Precinct Plan can be found here: Consultation Summary


Written submissions

Written submissions received in response to our public consultation process are also available below. Please note, these do not include submissions where the author requested that their input be kept in confidence.


Survey responses

Volume 1: Questions 1-8 

Volume 2: Questions 9-14


Submissions made via a third party website

Consolidated submissions


Other written submissions

Index and Consolidated submissions


Consultation on the Draft Precinct Plan

Further feedback was sought on the Mac Point Draft Precinct Plan.​


The consultation period on the Draft Plan ran from October until November 2023, with 234 responses received. These submissions were received via:

  • an online survey on the Mac Point website.

  • free-form written submissions received via email or in hard copy.


Feedback was received in a range of formats - via responses to the survey questions and through pre-prepared, template responses. Other individual stakeholders and organisations provided written submissions.



Survey Responses


Volume 1


Submissions made via a third party website


Consolidated submissions: Volume 1, Volume 2.


Other written submissions


Index and Consolidated submissions



​Key Themes


The key themes across both consultations are set out on page 15 of the Precinct Plan

Thank you for your feedback


This plan has been supported by expert and specialist advice, including working with:


  • Cox Architecture as the principal consultant in the preparation of this plan including architectural, urban planning and stadium expertise.

  • Jacobs to prepare sustainability principles for our site - Paper

  • Inkhorn Projects to support engagement with the creative sector - Report

  • WSP, in collaboration with State Growth, to identify transport mode share considerations to support event-day transport - Full ReportExecutive Summary 

  • Burbury, in collaboration with Infrastructure Tasmania, to progress a concept design for the northern access road outlined in the plan - Road concept

  • Stadiums Tasmania and Cox Architecture, to identify a ground-level footprint for a multipurpose stadium - Stadium Footprint Test Fit



A Project Steering Committee has been helping inform the development of a draft Precinct Plan for Mac Point. The terms of reference can be found below. 


Terms of Reference


Attachment 1 - Correspondence from the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development of Australia


Attachment 2 - Direction issued to the Macquarie Point Development Corporation's Board 


We pay our deepest respects to the traditional and original owners of this land, the muwinina people, and honour those that have passed before us and acknowledge today’s Tasmanian Aboriginal people, the palawa, their Elders, and their enduring custodianship of lutruwita/Tasmania.

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